Dustless Hardwood Floor Sanding Will Keep Your Interiors Dust Free
When most people think of sanding and resurfacing their hardwood floors, they may feel intimidated and worried about the weeks of cleaning they’ll have to engage in, just to deal with all the dust and particulates a sanding will produce. Dustless hardwood floor sanding eliminates that fear, by vacuuming away 99% of the dust we remove from your old hardwood floors.
Our dustless hardwood floor sanding equipment runs a high powered vacuum, outside your home or office, drawing all of the dust, particulates, residual finishing chemicals, dirt and grime away from the work area. We then take all that accumulated dust and grime and dispose of it properly, so you don’t have to.
Sanding Is Always Better For Resurfacing, Than Using Chemicals
When you are trying to return your hardwood floors to their original glory – or simply restore their personalities by exposing, beautifying and enhancing their long history – the Artisan practice of meticulously sanding every square inch has proven time and again to be the best method possible, under almost every circumstance. Some flooring installers and refinishers might try to sell you on the idea of using harsh chemicals to “peel” the top layers of old finish and dirt away. But those chemicals don’t allow for the level of control and restraint which your floors will require. Nor are they necessarily good for the environment. Enter Dustless Hardwood Floor Sanding.
Dustless Hardwood Floor Sanding Allows for the Artisan’s Touch
There is a specific depth of surface removal at which an area of hardwood floor is perfectly suited to be resurfaced. That level differs, based on a large number of factors: The amount and type traffic, the amount and length of sunlight it has received, the type of finish last applied and of course the colors and shades you’re trying to achieve with the finished product. Hands-on sanding is the only way to ensure that every area of your floor is reduced to exactly the right depth and level, for its particular needs.
Artisan Hardwood Floors brings the Craftsman’s Touch to Every Floor We Resurface
Working and living here in the Reno/Tahoe area, we understand your floor’s specific needs. Elevation, temperature and humidity can be completely different around here, even just 10 miles apart. Installing and maintaining hardwood floors requires an intimate knowledge of our varying environments. We wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the world though, so we have mastered all of the techniques and practices necessary to being the very best hardwood floor installers in the region.
If you would like the opportunity to see for yourself how beautiful we can make your older hardwood floors, please contact us right away. I look forward to exceeding your expectations.
Sorin Giurca